meditate|meditated|meditates|meditating in English


[med·i·tate || 'medɪteɪt]

muse; reflect, contemplate; consider a plan of action or intent for the future; do meditative exercises

Use "meditate|meditated|meditates|meditating" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "meditate|meditated|meditates|meditating" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "meditate|meditated|meditates|meditating", or refer to the context using the word "meditate|meditated|meditates|meditating" in the English Dictionary.

1. What, are you meditating?

2. Meditate Appreciatively

3. Do you exercise, bathe, meditate?

4. He meditated resentfully on the physical texture of life.

5. Anchorless and fuzzed Llewellyn Anagrammatized her foozlings or meditates anyway

6. Additionally, many believers find meditating on Benedictions during

7. This article is about the meditating Baboon spirit

8. The more study material the student reads and meditates on, the better.

9. This involves hard work —reading, studying, and meditating.

10. To meditate on; ponder: Chew a problem over

11. I meditate in order to relax.

12. I used to meditate on George Bush.

13. “The heart of the righteous one meditates,” says the wise man.

14. To cogitate; meditate: Chewed on the difficulties ahead

15. If she “meditates before answering,” she will carefully choose her words and not speak hastily.

16. And he meditated for three years and he did not see the future Buddha Maitreya.

17. 28 She sat quietly,( meditating on the day's events.

18. The ancient Asura were deities invoked by warriors while they meditated to soothe the violence within

19. You need to meditate, or think deeply, about them.

20. Meditate at the same place and same time everyday.

21. No doubt, meditating appreciatively on such things strengthened Abel’s faith.

22. Why do we need to meditate on admonition from God?

23. Ohm. Ohm getting tired of meditating, but I think it's working.

24. Jody Williams called it: It's good to meditate.

25. Can hardened criminals meditate their way to a better future?